Friday, August 8, 2008


I could grow to love The Straits Times' new look.

This morning, I didn't quite like the first quick look I got of the new masthead they used. It reminded me too much of the Malaysian newspapers' masthead, although I have nothing against their design. But, the rationale for the change in design was explained reasonably in this new issue, and yes, I'm getting used to the new look just after one read. Also, kudos to the new arrangement of contents, especially the Prime pages. Today's paper was such a fresh read, with a mixture of commentaries and news reports in the Prime pages. I can't seem to fathom what's different with the content, but there seem to be a slight tweak to the way they do the reporting. There's a whole re-prioritisation of how the news are arranged and selected. The commentary on Malaysia's sex in politics was especially intrigueing.

Well, it's a special day today. 080808 is Olympics! I'm watching the group procession for the opening ceremony on TV now. They're showing George and Laura Bush waving their flags now. :) I'm actually more excited to see the political personalities as compared to the athletes, migosh. I was telling my sis just now: "There there, that's Sarkozy!" LOL.

There's strong nationalism in the air now, as each country competes to be better than the rest for the country's honour. I'd say at least for now, we should celebrate the spirit of sports and put aside all the annoying politics and diplomacy that comes into play simultaneously.

BTW, it's also National Day tomorrow. We were happily crooning National Day songs yesterday in the room, waving our little flags. Give us an A for brilliant self-entertainment and a pat on the back for voluntary show of patriotism. Maybe I'll wear red tomorrow for Nat. Day.

Happy Birthday in advance before the clock strikes 12 then! Muacks, love you Singapore (despite the occasional complaints)

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