Wednesday, October 29, 2008


My Personal Space

Welcome to the room :) No special occasion, except Deepavali, so not much decorations. Just my pretty windmill and GL bag :)

That's how my table's like when I'm hard at work

My personally customised noticeboard. It will be something I'll miss when I get home. No noticeboard at home :( Anyway my study plan says "死都要读完", but there's a small font disclamer that reads "死都要看戏"

My MUST-DO Daily Routine

Reading the newspaper aloud. AHAHAHA. People usually think I'm mad when they walk past the room. (Ah Cai as Double)

LOVE at Sakae

This did not happen in hall, but it's with the beloved HALL peeps. We always try to have something special every week. KFC or Pizza delivery, Exam supper (don't mention it anymore :() or even Sakae when we're feeling rich. Anyway, Sakae was unforgettable because I could hardly walk back to hall after the heavy meal. I burp like dunno how many times can.



We had an UNEXPECTED visitor yesterday. Photos tomorrow, because I realised there's too many photos all of a sudden.

Anyway, there's a joke that I'm in love with lately. I always amuse myself so much with it. I can recite it over and over again, and laugh at it over and over again.




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