Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Outback...mmm

"Surviving" Australia is a severe understatement, coz even though 3 hours might sound gruelling, I think it totally kicks ass! Very romantic and breathtaking, the people and the sights. Also, Hugh Jackman is sexy and manly, especially with his top off. Totally the Australian kind of guy. Though I kinda hate the accent. Reminds me of this lecturer I had, called Paul something, and gosh, I can't remember his surname. Also, the little narrator is cute, there's something charming about how the little him speaks English. Aboriginal English. "I will sing you to me."

Anyway, I went to the doctor regarding my eye condition, and apparently, he diagnosed it as a tear duct blockage and asked me to return after 5 days. Something like an allergy I think. And i don't wear contacts. WTH.

Tomorrow, me, Jiamin and Jinhe are kinda going "trekking" at Southern Ridges. Let's hope Jiamin survives the stairs LOL. *WINK WINK*

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