Sunday, April 27, 2008

When is The Great Escape?

It was during the examinations period when I had the sudden urge to grab the suitcase and make an escape to...well...ANYWHERE? And you'd ask escape? Escape from?

And I'll answer: NOTHING, NOWHERE in particular.

A plan for a great escape is just too tempting. I give in really easily to temptations. Thus, this is the pilot plan for my great escape...or my great escapes, to be more exact.

My first escape is scheduled on May 17-18 when I'll retreat to some kelong Jiamin hunted down for two stree-free days. Meanwhile, I've been actively seeking company and activities to fill up the days, lest it gets too boring.

It's a new phase. I do hope I enjoy it, and I hope you do too.

Reading and Writing,
The girl without a suitcase

P.S: The new Peranakan museum sure is worth a visit!

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