Saturday, September 5, 2009



昨天在地铁上,我又再一次成为“让位勇士”了。这不禁会让我觉得其实频频让位是我性格所导致的必然结果。当然,我承认这是一种优点,但是还是会感叹为什么坐在我旁边那张priority seat上的仁兄每次动作都比我慢一步,或是那位小姐为什么每次都舒服地酣睡着,让人舍不得把她叫醒。原来,地铁车厢里装满了很多的金马奖影帝影后。

虽然这样说会让我很不好意思,但是我就是觉得我“坏”不了。尽管不是坐在那地雷重重的位置上,但每到一站,我都会下意识地巡视看看有没有人比我更需要这个位子。即使是像昨天一样很投入在小说中,还是会因那踉踉跄跄的老人暂时无法专心,而只好让位。让位会让我开心多过沮丧,但它也让我疲累多过醒神。哎呀呀,我只是一个typical Singaporean,所以难免想要complain一下。下一次,缉查人员,请你们不要无聊地开发单给那些吃糖果、喝白开水的搭客们,而是应该暂时担任评审员,挖掘一下这些无限潜力的好演员们。


我在村上春树的《Norwegian Wood》里第一次读到一位作家可以把做爱这件事描述地如此……

“I slept with Naoko that night. Was it the right thing to do? I can't tell. Even now, almost 20 years later, I can't be sure. I suppose I'll never know. But at that time, it was all I could do. She was in a heightened state of tension and confusion, and she made it clear she wanted me to give her release. I turned the lights down and began, one piece at a time, with the gentlest touch I could manage, to remove her clothes. Then I undressed. It was warm enough, that rainy April night, for us to cling to each other's nakedness without a sense of chill. We explored each other's bodies in the darkness without words. I kissed her and held her soft breasts in my hands. She clutched at my erection. Her opening was warm and wet and asking for me.

And yet, when I went inside her, Naoko tensed with pain. Was this her first time? I asked, and she nodded. Now it was my turn to be confused. I had assumed that Naoko had been sleeping with Kizuki all that time. I went in as far as I could and stayed that way for a long time, holding Naoko, without moving. And then, as she began to seem calmer, I allowed myself to move inside her, taking a long time to come to climax, with slow, gentle movements. Her arms tightened around me at the end, when at last she broke her silence. Her cry was the saddest sound of orgasm I had ever heard.”

April rain and quiet melancholy。对,如此适合交杂在四月的雨声中的寂静的哀伤……


我每次不经意地对村上春树的小说人物产生好奇,甚至夸张至动情。如,Tony Takitani和现在的Nagasawa君。


"What kind of authors do you like?" I asked, speaking in respectful tones to this man two years my senior.

"Balzac, Dante, Joseph Conrad, Dickens," he answered without hesitation.

"Not exactly fashionable."

"That's why I read them. If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking. That's the world of hicks and slobs. Real people would be ashamed of themselves doing that. Haven't you noticed, Watanabe? You and I are the only real ones in this dorm. The other guys are crap."




1 comment:

wuhank said...

向有高上情操的 Miss Ng 致敬

哎呀 搞不好人家真的很累想睡覺阿
而且都被你看破手腳了 演技應該是普普吧