The US elections are drawing nearer, so I've done something because I don't want to be too caught up with studying:
This was partly inspired by a Tshirt design Jinhe showed me during class today.
I would vote Obama if I could.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Last Call
Thursday, October 30, 2008
An Unexpected Visitor
The usual day...
Crystal in her slack and stoning mode after 10pm
Ah Moon receiving her usual CNA updates. SEOW SI MIN, I can dig my own nose.
010 Pays Us A Visit :) We got a huge surprise when 010 turned up at our door. The Chao Mugger is finally free.
A routine in hall: Sharing NY Chron among everyone
010 decides to bunk in. And she very unglam. We know all her secrets. Hiak Hiak.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My Personal Space
Welcome to the room :) No special occasion, except Deepavali, so not much decorations. Just my pretty windmill and GL bag :)
That's how my table's like when I'm hard at work
My personally customised noticeboard. It will be something I'll miss when I get home. No noticeboard at home :( Anyway my study plan says "死都要读完", but there's a small font disclamer that reads "死都要看戏"
My MUST-DO Daily Routine
Reading the newspaper aloud. AHAHAHA. People usually think I'm mad when they walk past the room. (Ah Cai as Double)
LOVE at Sakae
We had an UNEXPECTED visitor yesterday. Photos tomorrow, because I realised there's too many photos all of a sudden.
Anyway, there's a joke that I'm in love with lately. I always amuse myself so much with it. I can recite it over and over again, and laugh at it over and over again.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
穿过人潮双眼灯火栏栅 没有想过回头
一段又一段走不完的旅程 甚麼时候能走完
噢 我的 梦代表甚麼 又是甚麼让我们不安
That's just life 寻找梦里的未来
That's just life 少点现实的无奈
不论风吹的时候 不再傍徨的时候
永远向前 路一直都在
穿过一块里面一片黑暗 没有想过回头
一段又一段走不完的旅程 甚麼时候能习惯
噢 我的 梦代表甚麼 又是甚麼让我们期盼
That's just life 寻找梦里的未来
That's just life 少点现实的无奈
不论风吹的时候 不在傍徨的时候
永远向前 路一直都在
看不清的路又算甚麼 看不清的梦又算甚麼
就算走到尽头又能算甚麼 能算甚麼
That's just life 寻找梦里的未来
That's just life 少点现实的无奈
不论风吹的时候 不再傍徨的时候
永远向前 路一直都在
That's just life 徘徊到不再徘徊
That's just life 从来都不怕重来
没有选择的时候 无论选择的时候
永远向前 路一直都在
I seem to be not working as hard as I should and even my mum thinks so.
What to do?
Work harder loh. :(
Friday, October 24, 2008
Be Right Back
This time round, I won't be packing suitcases again. Most likely, I'd be packing big plastic and paper bags of books and clothes. You see, in about a month's time, I'd be moving out of 46-6-884, and it has just begun to hit me. There is a lot to pack, the transient and the non-transient, both the physical and the emotional. I don't know how it'd feel to see one side of the room empty, and I'm a little dreading it.
Everytime someone comes to our room, we'll be really proud to show off everything, from the tv down to our mini "photo galleries". (Last year's it was Simin's, this year's it's mine)There would be comments about how cosy our room is, and that's most probably because of the TV that I'm very addicted and glued to. On rainy days, the bed would also usually be nicer than home's. We would stand outside the room on some days staring into blank space or spying on some neighbours downstairs or faraway. I would mop and sweep the floor every Tuesday, unless I'm out. And if I'm out, someone else would do the deed of keeping the room clean. I have gotten used to our "triple room", and just as it has got more fun with one more person to share my many stories, I'm leaving.
Of course, I don't regret going to Taiwan, because that's what I want to do. But, I can't stop thinking of the many hall activities and room activities that I might miss out on. Skype and msn cannot replace all these. And the breakfasts, dinners and suppers. Do they have cheese bread toast in Taiwan?
And then there's a little bit of guilt that it's hard for SSM not to get a random roomie after I leave. We checked with Joyce and we're still exploring the different options.
I don't know whether everything will be the same again after I come back from Taiwan. Will I ever return to our 884 room with the scenic view and chilling wind? I'm telling myself I'd be back, no matter what. Nobody is going to take our room from us!!!!!! HAHA. Then when I'm back, we'll build everything from scratch again. The "MOON" on the noticeboard will go back on, and there'll always be someone sitting in front of the TV at alternate hours again. :) (I know SSM will not watch a lot of TV) :)
Also, on a concluding note, I've decided to start on "A Photo A Hall Day" project to document these "last" days. So everyone, please act normal if you see me with a camera. AND please don't pose.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Does Temperament matter?
That's the cover story of TIME and I've just finished it halfway through Foreign Policy class as the class debates the decision of US to enter the Iraq war. We were talking withdrawal options and one of my classmates mentioned that she supported McCain because she did not support Obama's timeline for withdrawal policy. Then, I realised, when I look at leaders, I tend to look at the superficial elements. I ignore policy stances, speech content and ideologies. I always look for charisma, good looks, and great speech-making abilities. That's why I'm very swayed by Obama. Ok, fine, I realised I'm quite ignorant and superficial.
Do read the TIME issue. They talk about temperaments of different leaders and how it all comes into play during the campaign and when they're in office. And I found out the distinction between temperament and character.
Anyway, speaking of temperament, I did this survey yesterday for my friend and I speculated that it was about media violence or something close. There was a question that made me laugh out loud: "Will you punch someone back if that person punches you?" Hahaha. I gave an immediate yes. Beware.
Friday, October 17, 2008
I had my laptop in my hand, the cover smeared with red glitter because I was holding it close to my body. Well, there was red glitter on the design for my grey tee. I waited patiently for the egg mayo sandwich from Cafe Express, as droves of people walked past me. Some I knew, some I didn't. But, I made no effort to acknowledge anyone. Nobody stopped to say hi. Well, I didn't really know them well.
We were talking about change yesterday and I professed that I'm someone who welcomes change. Then, it dawned on me that my life is actually full of routines. And usually I carry out these routines by myself. Today, I didn't spot Rushan in class and I received a message from her right after class that she wasn't in school today. Lost for a moment, I tried to think of a plan B: where to eat, where to wait for class.
So I was waiting for my sandwich. Now I've got my sandwich, and I'm sitting at one of those school benches you see everywhere in the university. It's mundane. I was trying to find a picture of a university and then I started looking around me. The architecture in this school is very unimpressive.I wonder why they plant so many bougainvillea in school. I'm not a very big fan of flowers.
I really do too many things alone. It gets too comfortable at times, and though I'm enjoying the comfort, I'm wondering if there's a problem with that.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Nothing much to blog about
I've gone almost one week without a blog post because there just aren't much to blog about. The days are normal, with few surprises and more routines. Maybe I just haven't been observant enough.
I get my regular prolific and wordbiz games just like how an addict get his or her cocaine fix. I want to lose some weight here and there and I'm wondering whether's it's the daily breakfast dose that is adding the extra pounds. Or maybe it's the late night bouts of hunger satisfied by biscuits.
Or maybe I've been sitting too much.
I don't know. Till I have something more exciting to say, or a startling revelation to make, there'll be not many posts. Haha.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Can't tell them apart?
Today, Hedwig gave us a small "test". It was like a worksheet with all these faces on them, and we were supposed to identify the newsmakers, and write down what they are known for.
And I mixed these two persons up:
Friday, October 3, 2008
Huh? What Show?
Call it plain curiosity, or it could be just that I don't want to "miss out on the fun", but I would be going for the Big Hong Lim Show, as they call it. I tried asking Jiamin and Jinhe about going with me, but they didn't seem to know about it. The censorship does wonders, doesn't it? *Sarcastic* But, I told myself I'm going to be a neutral observer, because blame me if you must, I'm still skeptical about the speeches they are going to make. What are they going to say? Will they be purely rhetoric about media censorship, or will politics come into the picture? As a public administration student, I'm guilty as charged for not having ever been to the Hong Lim's Speaker's Corner nor any parliament seating. So this is an opportunity.
However, I do find fault with the "disguised" name of this event as seen on Facebook. Why call it the Big Hong Lim Show? Why a show? It just has a slight pejorative connotation to it. Anyway, initially, I indicated on the Facebook event page that I was "Not Attending", because I thought it was some IT show, like the Funan show, or Sim Lim show. LOL.
By the way, I was telling Prof Cherian George yesterday that I wasn't that cut out to be a photojournalist because I found it restrictive. Then, I found something today in TIME that said art is something rare in journalism, though they were actually talking about a photojournalist named Jim Nachtwey who proved this saying wrong, with the beauty and elegance of his work. It's hard to achieve that, but I would want someone to say that of my work one day too.
I predict next week will be a busy week, because I will be running around for my interviews.
P.S: I'm now addicted to Potong's coconut ice-cream.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Fash Bash Victim
Instead of remaining cooped in my little hall room, I decided to venture out for some fresh air in the city area. Yet, the MRTs were so packed with the foreign workers in Jurong apparently delighted about their Hari Raya holiday. Flocks of them everywhere. It made it difficult getting on the MRT.
My destination was Fash Bash@SAM, and I had a great time there, though I missed out on the SWAGBAGS. Though I can't wear vintage dresses (usually because of the length), I found great buys like cool shirts. I saw stylish belts, cool accesories and cute bags too, but I didn't want to spend too much. In the end, I bought three whopping shirts. God. There were Granny's Day Out, Bianca, as well as the Swirl girls among the stalls. And I thought I saw the Wottoncool blogger at the changing room area too.
The bad thing was: I sat on a really small pool of water on the MRT seat on my way back. Now I know why the seat was empty in the first place. :(